Issues in U.S. Language Policy

Life After 227

June - December 1998
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The Vote
Analysis of the Prop. 227 Campaign
Litigation & Interpretation
Political Fallout
Editorials and Commentaries
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Litigation & Interpretation



Political Fallout

The Vote

Analysis of the Prop. 227 Campaign


  • Let's Not Say Adios to Bilingual Education, by Lourdes Rovira – Passage of Prop. 227 was "a sad day for our country because we allowed ill-informed politicians and xenophobic voters to dictate educational policy."
    U.S. Catholic, 1 November 1998
  • Law Hasn't Weakened Desire for Bilingualism, by Joe Rodriguez – "In California, the ballot has replaced the classroom paddle as cultural enforcer."
    San Jose Mercury News, 27 October 1998
  • California's English Immersion Will Not Work, by Juan R. Palomo – Monolingual approach has history of failure for Latinos.
    USA Today, 20 October 1998
  • The Battle Over Prop. 227 Is Far From Over . . ., by Douglas Lasken Teachers and administrators give overt signs of compliance while covertly undermining the measure.
    . . . but the Measure's Flaws Make It Hard to Implement, by Harry P. Pachon Contrary to what proponents believe, there's no plot to undermine the law, just a lot of difficulties.
    Los Angeles Times, 15 October 1998
  • Chapters to Go..., by Jill Kerper Mora – "Proposition 227 is a test of the political will of conservative cultural ideologies in a time of growing numbers and influence of California's ethnic minorities."
    San Diego Union-Tribune, 9 September 1998
  • Some Bilingual Programs Deserve to Be Saved – Editorial cites the injustice of denying the "dual immersion" option to Anglo students, who "by all rights" should not have been affected by Prop. 227. Yet it features a curious blindspot: no mention whatsoever of the rights of language-minority students. And it (unintentionally) raises a troubling question: will bilingual education in California be reduced to a gifted and talented program tailored to the needs of English-speaking children?
    San Francisco Chronicle, 16 August 1998
  • Bilingual Education an Asset That Can Offer Global Rewards, by Jeff MacSwan – Ron Unz takes his Big Lie campaign to Arizona; an educator responds.
    Arizona Republic, 6 August 1998
  • Encouraging Debut for Prop. 227 – Times editorial board becomes a cheerleader for English-only law, ridiculing opponents for predicting "Armageddon" on the first day of school.
    Los Angeles Times, 5 August 1998
  • What's Wrong With Bilingual Education? Is It 'Lingual,' or Is It 'Education'? – by Raul Yzaguirre – Research should have laid to rest the issue of classroom effectiveness. Opposition has deeper, political roots.
    Education Week, 5 August 1998
  • Post-227 Options – Editorial: "Give parental choice on bilingual ed a chance."
    Sacramento Bee, 2 August 1998
  • Scrambling Toward 227 "Despite the short preparation time and its long-standing opposition to Proposition 227, the LAUSD has conscientiously developed a framework to implement the switch from long-term bilingual classes to one short year of intense English-language immersion."
    Los Angeles Times, 28 July 1998
  • The Damage of Bilingual Education, by Bill Goodling and Frank Riggs – Influential House Republicans explain why they support H.R. 3892, a bill to gut the federal Title VII program.
    Washington Times, 20 July 1998
  • Prop. 227 Stands: And Now the Real Confusion Begins – New law unlikely to improve schools any time soon.
    Sacramento Bee, 21 July 1998
  • Stanford 9 Scores Show Bilingual Program Success, by Jacquelyn Pinson – Gradual transition allows students to keep up in other subjects while learning English, usually by 4th grade.
    Los Angeles Times (Ventura County), 19 July 1998
  • Time for Educators To Heed Prop. 227 – Despite the benefits of bilingualism, "the clear message of the 61 percent support for Proposition 227 was that California voters give top priority to learning English."
    San Francisco Chronicle, 17 July 1998
  • In Any Language, Time To Start – Despite unrealistic provisions of Prop. 227, following judge's decision "a good faith effort is now called for to make this work."
    Riverside Press-Enterprise, 17 July 1998
  • The 227 Train – "There will be no last-minute judicial rescue. ... It's past time to focus on educating students in English."
    San Jose Mercury News, 16 July 1998
  • In Any Language, STAR Results Are Inconclusive, by Joanne Jacobs – More data needed to draw conclusions about what works for English learners.
    San Jose Mercury News, 13 July 1998
  • Bilingual Science – Conservative judge is unlikely to block Prop. 227 because arguments for bilingual education defy common sense.
    Wall Street Journal, 29 June 1998
  • Bilingual Education's Goal – The day after California outlawed the program, New Jersey expanded it.
    Bergen Record, 10 June 1998
  • When Voters Handcuff Educators – Other states should reject California's example of "mob rule."
    Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 10 June 1998
  • Prop 227 Underscored Our Yearning for Common Culture, by William Murchison – And now for an openly racist view: "California's diversity culture has been propelling growing numbers of white Californians to Utah, Nevada and Colorado."
    Dallas Morning News, 10 June 1998
  • After Prop. 227: Now the Focus Should Be on Measuring Results – Legislature should ensure school accountability so English learners won't be left behind.
    Sacramento Bee, 10 June 1998
  • Superintendent as Jailbird – Rojas should try to make 227 work rather than threaten civil disobedience.
    San Francisco Examiner, 9 June 1998
  • High Road for Teachers Union – By counseling members not to resist 227, "the CTA leadership is a voice of reason."
    Los Angeles Times, 9 June 1998
  • Added to English, Not Instead of It – English-only measure signals a "foolish" rejection of other languages; by politicizing the schools, "California is descending [into a] know-nothing hell."
    Philadelphia Daily News, 9 June 1998
  • Save What Works – Success of bilingual education in upstate New York shows California is foolish to mandate English-only approach.
    Syracuse Post-Standard, 9 June 1998
  • Diversity Efforts Aside, Gender and Ethnicity Do Not Matter in All Cases, by Joanne Jacobs – Columnist doesn't believe the exit polls, claims that Latinos were "split" on Prop. 227.
    San Jose Mercury News, 8 June 1998
  • If Schools Flout Prop. 227, There Will Be a Backlash, by Joanne Jacobs Bilingual educators must make the English-only experiment work; if it fails, they will be responsible.
    San Jose Mercury News, 4 June 1998
  • American Hispanics "The 227 vote should tell Republicans they can appeal to Hispanic voters even on controversial subjects if that appeal is rooted in substance and principle."
    Wall Street Journal, 4 June 1998

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Prop. 227 Campaign News Clips
Prop. 227 Campaign Editorials