Los Angeles Times

Sunday, June 28, 1998

It's Hard to Get Straight Answers on Standard Tests
Education: Difficulty gauging impact of limited-English students on schools' overall scores brings hard feelings, court intervention.
By TINA NGUYEN, Times Staff Writer

Roughly three in four Santa Ana students struggled through a standardized test they didn't understand. In Garden Grove, that was the case for about half the students.
      And that, in a nutshell, is why the statewide test results are mired in a court battle just two days before they were supposed to be released to the public via the Internet.
      A San Francisco court judge Thursday ordered the state Department of Education to publicize only scores that do not include students who speak limited English.
      The decision favored Bay Area school administrators who filed a complaint, arguing that scores of students who do not speak English are not meaningful because the exam is not designed for such students.
      The scores in Orange County, where 25 of the 27 school districts already have released at least partial results, vividly show why the scores of the limited-English students have become a sore point among educators, sometimes pulling down a school's overall scores to the point where it is difficult to tell how the English-speaking students fared.
      Limited-English students consistently have scored in the bottom quarter or so of students nationwide, the Orange County results show. In schools with a sizable population of those students, the overall scores end up looking mediocre to dismal, even when most of the English-speaking students tested at or above average.
Consider the Santa Ana Unified School District.
      There, second-graders who speak English ranked at the 49th percentile in reading, meaning they did better than 49% of their peers in a national sample. Limited-English students, who represented 67% of the second-graders tested, scored at the 17th percentile, pulling down the district's overall second-grade score to the 21st percentile rank.
      "If you look at Santa Ana's English-only scores, they are hovering around the middle. All of a sudden Santa Ana looks normal," said Howard, whose district overall is 71% limited-English speaking. "But when we bring in the whole [limited-English] population, the numbers look low."
      Because those students' scores often are so much lower than their English-speaking counterparts', even a smaller number of tests taken by limited-English students can skew the scores.
      In the Newport-Mesa Unified School District, for example, 29% of the fourth-graders are not fluent in English and tested at the 18th percentile in the standardized test. Native English speakers scored at the 68th percentile, with the overall ranking at the 51st percentile.
      With numbers like that, many Orange County educators were cheering the court decision, which will result in a showing of overall higher scores when the state publishes its scores. That publication, originally scheduled for Tuesday, has been delayed indefinitely by the court decision.
      "When you give a test to a kid who [doesn't know the language it's written in], you don't get valid results," said Al Sims, testing administrator at Garden Grove Unified School District where 50% of the 34,000 students tested do not speak fluent English.
      Although the court ruling does not apply to local school districts, Sims said his district chose to withhold scores of limited-English students as a safeguard.
      Santa Ana Unified director of bilingual education Howard Bryan called the ruling a "very fair decision" that ensures scores will be presented equally.
      "The whole [issue of including limited-English students] is skewing the scores," Bryan said.
      Concern over testing students who are not fluent in English erupted in March when the San Francisco Unified School District refused to give the state test to its 6,000 non-fluent students. District officials took the state to court and won two rulings in its favor.
      Meanwhile, most of the state's other public schools tested fluent and non-fluent students alike.
      In Irvine Unified, where 11% of its students speak limited English, overall test figures were generally at the 70th percentile, well above the national averages. But scores of limited-English students lowered districtwide results in some grade levels by four points.
      Irvine Unified testing coordinator Beverly Huff said news of the judge's decision was bittersweet.
      "It's a good step at the wrong time," Huff said.
      The advantages of the recent court order is that districts won't be unfairly judged, she said. But there is value to having the test data on limited-English students, Huff added.
      "If we want to talk about all students then we should test them all and be able to pull out specialized populations to do analyses," she said. "There's nothing wrong with that."
      The downside, Huff added, is that the ruling comes days before the state was supposed to post all California test scores broken down by individual schools, she said. Further complicating matters, various districts have been publicly releasing information over the past two weeks. The remaining few districts are left in a quandary of what they are permitted to do.
      "It's difficult being midstream," Huff added. "Everyone's wrestling with their data."
      Two Orange County school districts, Orange Unified School District and Savannah School District, have not released test scores.

Grading the Schools
Four more Orange County school districts released scores in the state's new standardized test of basic skills, the Stanford 9. The test was given to students in grades two to 11 from mid-March to mid-May.
      Editor's note: The percentile figures show how student scores ranked, on average, against a nationally selected group in spelling, reading, language and math. High school students were tested in reading, language, math, science and social studies. Those at
the 50th percentile, for example, scored higher than one half of the pool and lower than the other half.
      "LEP" designates students who are limited English proficient. "R-FEP" refers to students who were formerly LEP but have been reclassified as fluent English proficient, and "FEP" refers in general to students who have a native language other than English but are also fluent in English.
      Below are 1998 scores expressed as national percentile rankings:

Brea Olinda Unified
District % LEP--11%

School        Grade  Read  Lang.  Spell  Math
Districtwide      2    69     73     62    67
                  3    65     67     57    68
                  4    64     68     61    69
                  5    65     68     58    73
                  6    67     73     61    73
                  7    67     74     63    66
                  8    65     65     49    66
Arovista          2    58     65     48    57
                  3    66     65     54    66
                  4    55     59     47    60
                  5    54     57     47    63
                  6    59     69     57    67
Country           2    73     78     61    73
Hills             3    72     74     58    78
                  4    74     74     76    76
                  5    77     81     72    82
                  6    80     84     72    86
Fanning           2    74     73     65    70
                  3    64     66     57    53
                  4    61     62     60    66
                  5    59     65     50    68
                  6    68     72     60    70
Laurel            2    64     65     63    58
                  3    48     52     46    54
                  4    40     53     41    54
                  5    48     56     46    65
                  6    51     57     40    63
Mariposa          2    69     75     70    71
                  3    65     70     70    78
                  4    79     80     73    81
                  5    68     70     61    72
                  6    66     75     67    73
Olinda            2    82     89     74    81
                  3    71     72     57    83
                  4    69     76     63    77
                  5    90     85     84    93
                  6    79     79     67    82
Brea              7    67     74     63    66
Jr. High          8    65     65     49    66

School        Grade  Read  Lang.  Math  Science  Social
Districtwide      9    48     60    72       58      56
                 10    52     56    67       63      59
                 11    50     56    70       60      68
Brea              9    48     60    73       58      56
Olinda           10    54     58    69       65      60
                 11    52     58    73       63      70
Canyon           10    31     22    37       36      32
                 11    23     25    23       27      34
V. View          11    47     57    42       51      51

Districtwide  Read  Lang.  Math  Spell
Grade 2
LEP             53     53    44     57
ENG ONLY        71     76    70     61
FEP             39     40    52     38
R-FEP          N/A    N/A   N/A    N/A
Grade 3
LEP             32     37    38     25
ENG ONLY        69     70    69     58
FEP             52     56    61     51
R-FEP          N/A    N/A   N/A    N/A
Grade 4
LEP             25     36    42     23
ENG ONLY        64     67    68     62
FEP             57     71    78     65
R-FEP          N/A    N/A   N/A    N/A
Grade 5
LEP             29     33    38     26
ENG ONLY        69     72    76     61
FEP             65     68    77     61
R-FEP           35     46    56     35
Grade 6
LEP             22     31    31     21
ENG ONLY        71     76    77     61
FEP             64     77    76     72
R-FEP          N/A    N/A   N/A    N/A
Grade 7
LEP             30     47    53     32
ENG ONLY        72     78    68     67
FEP             59     69    63     62
R-FEP          N/A    N/A   N/A    N/A
Grade 8
LEP             33     37    51     25
ENG ONLY        70     70    68     54
FEP             66     72    72     57
R-FEP          N/A    N/A   N/A    N/A
Districtwide  Read
 Lang.  Math  Science  Social

Grade            9

LEP             25     44    60       38      31

ENG ONLY        50     62    73       60      58

FEP             53     71    79       66      66

R-FEP          N/A    N/A   N/A      N/A     N/A

Grade 10

LEP             12     20    46       26      20

ENG ONLY        54     58    67       65      61

FEP             67     71    83       76      76

R-FEP          N/A    N/A   N/A      N/A     N/A

Grade 11

LEP             19     30    51       30      33

ENG ONLY        54     60    70       64      71

FEP             51     61    82       61      78

R-FEP          N/A    N/A   N/A      N/A     N/A

Garden Grove Unified
District % LEP--49%

Districtwide  Read  Lang.  Math  Spell
Grade 2
LEP            N/A    N/A   N/A    N/A
ENG ONLY        48     50    47     46
FEP             59     62    62     61
R-FEP          N/A    N/A   N/A    N/A
Grade 3
LEP            N/A    N/A   N/A    N/A
ENG ONLY        43     42    45     39
FEP             44     50    56     51
R-FEP          N/A    N/A   N/A    N/A
Grade 4
LEP            N/A    N/A   N/A    N/A
ENG ONLY        48     51    45     41
FEP             56     61    63     58
R-FEP           71     78    81     85
Grade 5
LEP            N/A    N/A   N/A    N/A
ENG ONLY        51     51    47     44
FEP             63     66    65     59
R-FEP           63     73    74     69
Grade 6
LEP            N/A    N/A   N/A    N/A
ENG ONLY        54     55    57     45
FEP             63     67    72     66
R-FEP           65     73    79     74
Grade 7
LEP            N/A    N/A   N/A    N/A
ENG ONLY        52     60    53     53
FEP             62     72    71     71
R-FEP           62     77    76     72
Grade 8
LEP            N/A    N/A   N/A    N/A
ENG ONLY        54     57    54     44
FEP             62     66    66     57
R-FEP           61     69    72     60

Districtwide  Read  Lang.  Math  Science  Social
Grade 9
LEP            N/A    N/A   N/A      N/A     N/A
ENG ONLY        43     55    58       50      46
FEP             46     66    70       52      52
R-FEP           44     68    74       54      53
Grade 10
LEP            N/A    N/A   N/A      N/A     N/A
ENG ONLY        41     45    50       51      43
FEP             45     54    60       56      50
R-FEP           41     54    67       57      51
Grade 11
LEP            N/A    N/A   N/A      N/A     N/A
ENG ONLY        46     51    52       51      61
FEP             48     62    65       56      66
R-FEP           43     55    61       50      62

Ocean View
District % LEP--18%

School        Grade  Read  Lang.  Spell  Math
Districtwide      2    55     63     50    61
                  3    52     56     47    61
                  4    55     61     52    59
                  5    54     64     50    58
                  6    60     65     54    71
                  7    58     69     56    72
                  8    62     68     52    72
Circle            2    65     77     55    71
View              3    68     72     56    79
                  4    72     73     66    72
                  5    78     82     69    88
College           2    46     56     40    59
View              3    50     54     43    57
                  4    44     55     37    48
                  5    51     60     45    56
Golden            2    64     72     49    59
View              3    60     63     47    64
                  4    49     56     44    56
                  5    55     59     45    47
Harbour           2    67     73     61    71
View              3    66     70     57    72
                  4    65     70     63    67
                  5    69     75     67    66
Hope              2    61     66     57    62
View              3    65     67     57    64
                  4    63     62     53    57
                  5    61     69     52    59
Lake View         2    45     54     46    55
                  3    41     50     49    51
                  4    48     57     54    51
                  5    50     55     48    39
Oak View          2    30     29     31    41
                  3    13     16     14    27
                  4    13     26     13    32
                  5    15     34     18    22
Star View         2    56     66     59    60
                  3    57     60     60    65
                  4    57     66     64    64
                  5    54     66     50    63
Sun View          2    37     37     38    37
                  3    35     40     44    52
                  4    41     52     39    39
                  5    43     53     47    40
Village           2    61     72     46    66
View              3    65     71     55    72
                  4    66     63     58    70
                  5    62     71     55    69
Vista             6    58     73     56    74
View              7    48     68     52    69
Middle            8    57     65     52    74
Westmont          2    34     49     40    59
                  3    29     31     27    43
                  4    45     54     48    51
                  5    43     60     42    54

Districtwide  Read  Lang.  Math  Spell
Grade 2
LEP             25     27    36     29
ENG ONLY        61     70    66     53
FEP             59     68    64     63
R-FEP           62     77    69     66
Grade 3
LEP             13     17    26     18
ENG ONLY        62     65    68     52
FEP             54     63    67     72
R-FEP           49     57    65     58
Grade 4
LEP             12     23    22     13
ENG ONLY        64     66    64     57
FEP             60     71    66     70
R-FEP           45     61    59     58
Grade 5
LEP             10     23    17     14
ENG ONLY        65     71    65     56
FEP             58     69    67     63
R-FEP           43     66    59     50
Grade 6
LEP             16     23    26     14
ENG ONLY        65     69    75     57
FEP             64     70    79     67
R-FEP           41     54    63     50
Grade 7
LEP             13     24    31     14
ENG ONLY        64     73    75     61
FEP             57     70    78     64
R-FEP           50     70    77     64
Grade 8
LEP             23     26    36     19
ENG ONLY        66     72    74     54
FEP             73     82    86     71
R-FEP           57     65    78     58

Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified
District % LEP--15%

School        Grade  Read  Lang.  Spell  Math
Districtwide      2    59     61     57    60
                  3    55     57     52    59
                  4    58     59     55    58
                  5    57     61     56    60
                  6    60     61     59    69
                  7    59     66     59    68
                  8    60     62     50    66
Brookhaven        2    57     68     59    58
                  3    62     66     56    73
                  4    73     78     72    75
                  5    73     75     68    80
                  6    67     72     69    84
Bryant            2    60     70     63    74
Ranch             3    62     64     60    70
                  4    68     65     67    66
                  5    70     71     66    72
                  6    77     71     78    83
Fairmont          2    73     77     72    74
                  3    69     67     66    71
                  4    76     71     73    76
                  5    74     76     78    81
                  6    80     83     82    91
Glenknoll         2    71     70     69    76
                  3    57     57     60    67
                  4    77     74     72    82
                  5    71     67     68    74
                  6    72     75     76    80
Glenview          2    63     61     64    64
                  3    57     54     56    58
                  4    54     54     59    51
                  5    54     55     57    48
                  6    59     55     60    65
Golden            2    61     64     48    71
                  3    57     53     51    61
                  4    77     75     75    77
                  5    78     77     76    79
                  6    76     75     74    84
Linda Vista       2    62     64     59    76
                  3    60     66     55    71
                  4    65     61     55    63
                  5    68     81     61    79
Mabel Paine       2    58     69     53    61
                  3    58     62     53    59
                  4    56     54     52    45
                  5    61     71     54    44
Morse             2    38     37     42    37
                  3    43     46     43    44
                  4    50     54     47    46
                  5    41     48     41    42
                  6    44     53     47    60
Rio Vista         2    32     34     37    40
                  3    33     41     36    44
                  4    21     28     21    24
                  5    22     29     26    24
Rose Drive        2    63     59     57    63
                  3    63     66     53    63
                  4    73     74     66    64
                  5    65     71     61    62
Ruby Drive        2    38     37     37    29
                  3    37     36     35    33
                  4    25     32     17    25
                  5    29     38     30    24
                  6    28     32     23    29
Sierra            2    61     63     58    58
Vista             3    63     67     61    70
                  4    72     70     67    68
                  5    65     72     71    75
                  6    68     71     69    74
Topaz             2    34     30     26    31
                  3    27     25     23    26
                  4    24     27     22    32
                  5    19     27     18    26
                  6    17     19     20    30
Travis            2    71     72     67    79
                  3    70     69     60    72
                  4    68     71     69    66
                  5    70     71     63    76
                  6    70     73     62    74
                  7    67     76     65    73
                  8    67     69     56    74
Tynes             2    23     24     33    23
                  3    23     35     27    36
                  4    32     45     29    36
                  5    24     33     26    25
                  6    32     41     32    41
Van Buren         2    67     72     67    73
                  3    66     66     65    66
                  4    59     55     62    65
                  5    61     68     66    74
                  6    60     60     57    79
Wagner            2    66     63     55    63
                  3    59     59     54    62
                  4    65     58     61    67
                  5    50     46     54    54
                  6    59     57     51    68
Woodsboro         2    65     71     57    65
                  3    65     62     60    66
                  4    50     55     45    54
                  5    62     72     63    71
                  6    51     56     54    54
Bernardo          7    71     76     71    80
Yorba             8    66     71     56    77
Kraemer           6    29     30     30    35
Middle            7    36     44     39    47
                  8    40     44     36    47
Tuffree           7    63     70     64    69
                  8    69     69     57    70
Yorba Linda       6    63     60     56    64
                  7    63     70     62    67
                  8    65     64     50    66

School        Grade  Read  Lang.  Math  Science  Social
Districtwide      9    48     59    63       54      51
                 10    50     55    60       56      55
                 11    54     58    65       59      69
El Camino         9    27     32    30       29      27
                 10    23     20    27       31      23
                 11    33     32    27       30      34
El Dorado         9    55     63    70       62      57
                 10    58     60    65       66      63
                 11    63     63    71       68      78
Esperanza         9    57     66    72       60      56
                 10    57     62    68       63      62
                 11    59     65    73       65      71
La Entrada        9    43     48    44       38      44
                 10    46     45    45       53      36
                 11    59     52    48       56      58
Valencia          9    29     46    42       39      38
                 10    31     40    42       37      38
                 11    39     46    51       44      59

Districtwide  Read  Lang.  Math  Spell
Grade 2
LEP             24     28    28     28
ENG ONLY        62     66    66     59
FEP             58     60    60     65
R-FEP          N/A    N/A   N/A    N/A
Grade 3
LEP             19     27    32     25
ENG ONLY        61     61    64     56
FEP             54     62    63     62
R-FEP          N/A    N/A   N/A    N/A
Grade 4
LEP             15     24    20     13
ENG ONLY        65     64    64     62
FEP             58     63    63     65
R-FEP           73     80    86     84
Grade 5
LEP             13     22    18     17
ENG ONLY        65     67    67     62
FEP             63     70    71     68
R-FEP           63     74    74     78
Grade 6
LEP             15     20    22     16
ENG ONLY        66     66    74     63
FEP             68     73    77     75
R-FEP           68     77    83     81
Grade 7
LEP             12     18    23     13
ENG ONLY        67     72    73     66
FEP             64     75    78     72
R-FEP           60     71    76     70
Grade 8
LEP             15     18    24     15
ENG ONLY        66     68    71     54
FEP             68     67    73     57
R-FEP           63     70    76     64

Districtwide  Read  Lang.  Math  Science  Social
Grade 9
LEP             11     26    26       24      22
ENG ONLY        54     63    67       58      55
FEP             57     69    71       62      61
R-FEP           47     66    67       58      52
Grade 10
LEP              8     16    26       20      17
ENG ONLY        57     60    64       61      61
FEP             47     60    64       59      53
R-FEP           47     55    66       55      59
Grade 11
LEP             10     21    30       23      31
ENG ONLY        60     62    68       64      73
FEP             55     64    71       61      72
R-FEP           54     57    76       55      72

Sources: Individual school districts and Orange County Department of Education; Compiled by JENNY ANGLIN, DANIEL ARREOLA, DIANA KRISTINAT, GENA PASILLAS and JENNIFER TREXLER / Los Angeles Times