What's New on the Language Policy Web Site

Overhauling NCLB

Testing the limits of No Child Left Behind, by James Crawford, Hispanic Link News Service, February 25, 2007

Obituary: The Bilingual Education Act, 1968-2002
The No Child Left Behind Act, signed into law on January 8, dismantles the federal Title VII program and turns most funding decisions over to the states. The word bilingual has been expunged from the new law, along with the goal of proficiency in two languages. All this happened with barely a peep from the traditional political allies of bilingual education.

Stranger Than Fiction Dept.

James Crawford and Stephen Krashen: NABE Honors Enemy of Bilingual Education

Denial by NABE President Pedro Ruiz and a response by James Crawford

Hispanic Link Weekly Report: Disinvited or a 'Typo'?

Bilingual Education - Recent Articles on Research and Policy

Stephen Krashen and Grace McField: What Works? Reviewing the Latest Evidence on Bilingual Education

Jeff McQuillan: An Urban Myth: The 'Poor Quality' of Bilingual Education Research

Josefina Tinajero: Bilingual Education in Texas: Lighting the Path, Leading the Way

James Crawford: 'Science' in Rhetoric and Reality

A Few Things Ron Unz Would Prefer You Didn't Know about English Learners in California, by James Crawford
Contrary to media reports, Language Census data show that bilingual education is alive and well in California. Meanwhile, "structured English immersion" broke its promise to teach English within one year to nearly 1.5 million children in 2002-03.

Evidence Suggesting That Public Opinion Is Becoming More Negative, a Discussion of the Reasons, and What We Can Do About It, by Stephen Krashen (April 2002)
Recent polls suggest that an enormous attitude shift is under way. In recent years, about one-third of the American public has moved from support for bilingual education to support for all-English alternatives. Krashen's conclusion: "Without a serious, dedicated, and organized campaign to explain and defend bilingual education at the national level, in a very short time we will have nothing left to defend."

Other Publications by James Crawford